This is a documentation for Board Game Arena: play board games online !

Tips terramystica

จาก Board Game Arena
รุ่นแก้ไขเมื่อ 15:46, 16 เมษายน 2561 โดย Wallwaster (คุย | ส่วนร่วม) (Created page with "- Try to place your starting dwellings next to others, or in places you think they would like to start. - Only use three workers to dig if it's a really important place. It's...")
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- Try to place your starting dwellings next to others, or in places you think they would like to start.

- Only use three workers to dig if it's a really important place. It's very rarely that important. You can probably use the workers to build something else that will be better in the long run.

- Don't take favors with three cult steps on them in the first half of the game. Sure, they can give you something nice right now, but it's usually not worth it compared to the long term gains of all other favors.

for more tips, visit the the Basic Guide on BGG: [1]