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Tips tokaido

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Strategy Tips for the main characters in 4 player games.

Sasayakko the geisha The first advice I can give on this character is never pick her! By far the weakest character in the set. Especially avoid in games with preparations on as if you come out first you won't have enough money to take advantage of your special ability in taking a souvenir for free as long as you have the money to pay for it. You will be dead in the water. Lack of money is always the main problem for Sasayakko in any game. You need to get to as many villages as possible, but you also have to get cash from farms. Farm stops are essential, but in going there you are missing out on spa and panorama points. Taking encounter stops is probably wise in the hope of getting kuge for more cash or picking up a shokunin for another souvenir to add to your chances of claiming the souvenir bonus.

Zen-emon the merchant Is the preferable souvenir specialist as he can rack up a lot of points from buying souvenirs for only 1 coin, even more so on the return trip variant, which works well for him normally. He starts with a bit more cash than Sasayakko aswell, but again hitting the farms is necessary. Trying to pick off a panorama and its bonus is a useful side strategy and if Hiroshige and Chubei are not in the mix then try with careful planning to get a second panorama completed first. A combination of panoramas and souvenirs will give you a better chance of winning the game than a solo souvenir strategy.

--Napoleonvole 13:52, 18 November 2018 (CET)

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